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With the detective arsenal of methods of modern digital microscopy, the variation of illumination and viewing functions already enables the visualization of superficial material structures, which would not be possible with analog microscopy.

Multi-Lightning functionality automatically detects different types of illumination and ensures optimal placement of the light source, even after the object has been photographed. Coupled with HDR (high dynamic range), even barely visible surface irregularities can be brought out in high contrast. Materials to be inspected can be recorded over a large area in three dimensions and surface irregularities can be identified in the 3D profile. From semiconductors to screw threads, 3D profile measurements (incl. angle measurements) and (incl. angle measurements) and roughness measurements can be performed. 

Due to an eucentric design, the evaluation of e.g. solder joints on semiconductor on semiconductor boards can be carried out from all relevant angles. If further information is required from interesting structures or particles, the sample is fed to SEM-EDX and, if necessary, Raman microspectroscopy for further analysis.

Residual dirt analysis, particle size analysis and particle analysis are also accessible with high-resolution microscopy (see also LINK "Particle identification").